10 Best Customer Support Apps for Shopify

Last updated on April 21, 2023 6 mins read

best customer support apps for Shopify

Are you looking for the best customer support apps for Shopify? This post is for you.

Giving your customers support whenever they need it will not only help boost their trust but will also make them become loyal customers.

These supports can take the form of live chat, allowing you to interact with customers in real time and respond to their queries. Furthermore, using customer support apps can make your life easy and cost you more.

Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of apps customer support apps to help improve your business.

These apps are based on our research and user reviews.

Let’s get into it!

1. HelpCenter/FAQ Chat Helpdesk

HealthCenter Support App

Interact with your customers in the most suitable and effective way with this best user-friendly customer support app. This app uses different mediums to provide the best customer solutions for its users. These services include Frequently asked questions(FAQ), Helpdesk, LiveChat & Chatbot etc.

What can you do with this app?

  • You can use this app to create an eye-catching FAQ page that matches your site designs and answer some common questions you think your customer may have in mind. This page can be made in multi-languages and have keywords that can boost your site to rank higher on SERPs.
  • Also, you can create live chat that lets your customers communicate with you within business hours and chatbots for when you are out of the office.
  • Asides from that, you can a helpdesk ticketing system where you can manage all your emails, messages and chat from one platform, access customer purchases and integrate orders from Shopify where they can be cancelled, duplicated and refunded.

Also available on the Google play store, where you can download the Helpcenter mobile app to provide faster customer support.

2. Gorgias


Sometimes, you, as a store owner, give one social platform more attention than the other, this causes the customer on the ignore app to feel ignored and may go on to another store to make purchases.

To prevent this, this Gorgias app brings your entire stack into one customer support platform. In this app, you can see all your customer’s messages and which platform they are chatting from, and you can quickly respond to them.

You can quickly attend to customers’ issues and hesitations from the live chat before they leave your store. Likewise, you can tag important chats or messages that are likely to purchase from your store so they can be treated with utmost importance and priority.

Besides you can integrate other apps into Gorgias to help with order processing, refunds, shipping, returns, reviews etc.

3. Live Chat, Helpdesk, Help Center


One way to convert new customers and keep the paying ones is by responding swiftly to their enquiries.

This app helps you to manage your customer’s complaints and issues and offers customer support services all from one platform.

It makes customer relationships easier because you can see all conversations from messages, emails, contact forms, and live chats from one helpdesk and respond immediately to them.

Additionally, working with this app reduces your customer queries by 30 % and help customer resolve issues before they get to their agents.

It is easily customisable and can be designed to match your theme colours. Also, it can be in different languages.

4. Reamaze

Reamaze is a helpdesk and help centre platform that provides the best customer support for businesses.

With Reamaze, you can access other popular Shopify app data without leaving the dashboard and can also view messages not only on chat but also from SMS, email, Whatsapp, social etc.

Also, you can access your order data instantly, edit orders, process refunds and cancellations and update order data with Reamaze.

Reamaze chatbots increase efficiency as they answer order status questions and questions covered in FAQ

5. Zendesk

Zendesk customer support app

Zendesk creates the best customer experience and makes customer service better. This app brings together all customer interactions from different channels, i.e emails, and phones, to be managed in one place.

Also, it provides seamless support that flows across channels. It solves customer service tickets faster with access to relevant customer data. Zendesk makes it easy to handle cancellations and refunds.

It helps agents stay productive and keep all aspects of the business connected. Besides, it provides personalised experiences.

In addition, it gives your agents all the necessary information to respond to customers without having to leave the conversation.

6. Richpanel


Customer support and service helpdesk help you care for your customers’ needs and make their shopping experience more personalized.

This self-service helps customers find answers to their problems and help support agents work more efficiently and effortlessly

Some of its key features include omnichannel customer support that tags all support requests into one inbox, granting access to order details and purchase history.

Also, it features a powerfully engaging live chat that gives your customers real-time engagement either by templated replies or an agent.

Besides, it features a self-service widget allowing customers to access their support portal to request actions such as order exchange, returns, etc.

Nowadays, customers prefer self-service support, fast response time and live chat assistance, and this app is the best platform to give your customer the experience they need.

7. Whatsapp Marketing + Helpdesk

Chat support app

Whatsapp Marketing + Helpdesk makes communication easier as you can reply to customer queries and problems from all channels in one dashboard.

It has powerful Whatsapp marketing software using an official API which can be used for promotional broadcasts, recovering abandoned carts, confirming cash on delivery, order notification etc.

However, you can set up automated replies that reply to repetitive questions in the fastest possible time.

Also, with smart automation, you can save time and increase productivity by auto-assigning tickets, auto-add tags, and auto-respond outside business hours.

8. eDesk: Helpdesk, Free live chat


eDesk is a helpdesk built for businesses and multichannel online retailers. It features AI-powered automation and insights that help to improve productivity.

It ensures that all your customer queries are resolved as they bring every customer message, order and request into one inbox.

Not just that, it provides impressive support to your customers and makes their shopping experience amazing.

The live chat helps you to build a stronger relationship with your customers and commitment and improve sales. Most importantly, it turns your visitors into customers when you interact with them in real-time, and you can use customer feedback to improve your store.

Other features of this app include one click invoice generator, full teams and channel reporting, auto-translates, etc.

9. Chatdesk 24/7 Customer Support

Custmer support apps

Chatdesk customer support works with tickets, and your ticket volume determines how you handle your customer demand.

To maximize the peak times and respond swiftly to your customers, you can scale up your ticket plans to optimize for conversion and scale down outside the peak times.

Using this app saves you the cost of hiring customer support agents.

It can integrate with many other support platforms, and it takes a shorter time, say 10 mins, for integration.

What can they help do? They support order status, returns, cancellations, login and checkout issues, communication engagement etc.

10. Gladly


Glady is a customer support service platform that is people-focused. It gives brands the system to deliver excellent customer experiences.

Using this app allows you to personalize your customers’ shopping experience by offering product suggestions based on their past purchases and preferences.

Also, they integrate Webchat payments for customers to make payments for transactions fast and easily while still talking with agents.

They do not adapt the ticketing system; agents have a single lifelong conversation across all channels.


These are some of the best customer support apps for Shopify. Leveraging this app will allow you to give your customers a mind-blowing buying experience.

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