5 Best SumoMe Alternatives to Increase Sales

Last updated on May 18, 2024 6 mins read

Best SumoMe alternatives to increase sales on Shopify

For e-commerce businesses, finding effective tools to engage customers and increase sales is crucial.

SumoMe is a market-popular choice for achieving these goals. But what if you want options? SumoMe may not be the perfect fit for everyone, and with tons of alternatives in the market, you can boost your sales with other apps.

In this guide, we’ll review some great SumoMe alternatives designed to help you increase sales, capture leads, and optimize your website for success.

Let’s get right into it.

5 Best SumoMe Alternatives

1. Adoric

Adoric home page, one of the best email popup and Sumome alternatives.

Undoubtedly, we know more about Adoric than any other tool. Which is why the Adoric app tops our recommended list.

Adoric is a multipurpose app that provides tools and features to help e-commerce store owners create personalized popup and banner campaigns. These campaigns aim to boost user engagement and conversion.

With Adoric, you can capture leads, increase sales, reduce cart abandonment, and improve the overall customer experience of your store.

Users appreciate these features for the results they bring, making them speak highly of the app. As it stands, Adoric has a 5-star rating on the Shopify App Store with over 250 reviews. Adoric’s capabilities make it one of the best SumoMe alternatives in the market.

An overview of Adoric’s key features:

1. A powerful Editor

Adoric’s Editor provides everything you need to create unique campaigns that resonate with your audience. With over 10,000 free graphic elements and tons of templates, its creative capability is unimaginable.

You can edit any of the ready-made campaign templates to achieve amazing results or create a custom campaign from scratch.

The editor allows you to create mobile-friendly designs, add countdowns, embed videos, gamify your website, offer product recommendations, save your favourite custom campaign as a template, and many more.

This feature helps capture your customer’s attention and encourage engagement, leading to better sales and revenue generation.

2. Lots of trigger types

Displaying popup messages at the right time can significantly impact your conversion rate. This is because popups are disruptive and can cause a visitor to exit your website when triggered at the wrong time.

To combat this, Adoric offers different triggers to ensure you show messages when they will be most effective. These triggers include;

  • Exit Intent
  • Click
  • Time Frame
  • Event
  • PageScroll
  • Schedule

3. Multiple Campaign Types

Product recommendation campaign types.

Adoric offers several campaign types for e-commerce businesses. These campaign types enable you to do the following;

  • Grow your email list
  • Reduce cart abandonment
  • Promote special offers
  • Gamify customer experience
  • Product recommendation
  • Offer free shipping

And more.

4. Unique Design Layouts

While business growth is primarily driven through quality services, your store design and appearance cannot be ignored. According to a study, 38% of users will stop engaging with a website if the layout is unattractive.

With Adoric, you can display your popups or campaign banners however you want in order for them to fit into your store’s theme or match your brand. This will help you create a beautiful store capable of retaining visitors longer.

Bouclair, a sample of a store using Adoric popup.Below are the types of design layouts;

  • Box
  • Slider
  • Bar
  • Carousel
  • Tooltip
  • In-page
  • Custom

5. Analytics 

Adoric provides detailed analytics and reporting dashboards to track campaign performance, monitor conversion rates, and measure ROI.

The platform allows you to A/B different campaign variations to identify which one works best for your business. Furthermore, the Lift test feature allows you to compare conversion from campaigns with and without Adoric’s popup.

Regularly analyzing your stores keeps you updated and helps you make informed decisions as you optimize your marketing strategies.

6. A host of integration options

Adoric integrates with multiple tools to help e-commerce business owners run their businesses effectively. They include;

  • Shopify
  • MailChimp
  • Salesforce
  • Hubspot
  • Klaviyo
  • GetResponse

And many more.


Adoric uses a pay-as-you-grow pricing model. It offers a free version while pricing starts at $9 per month.

2. OptinMonster

OptinMonster for converting and monetizing your website traffic

OptinMonster is another excellent SumoMe alternative. It is a powerful lead generation and conversion optimization tool that helps e-commerce businesses capture more leads, increase sales, and grow their email lists.

Over 1.2 million websites rely on OptinMonster to increase their sales. The platform offers a wide range of features and tools designed to help you create engaging campaigns and improve your website conversion.

Key Features

1. Multiple Campaign Types

OptinMonster allows you to create various types of campaigns, including popups, floating bars, countdown timer, slide-in scroll box, sidebar forms, inline forms, coupon wheels opt-ins, and more.

2. MonsterLinks 2-Step Opt-ins

OptinMonster features a 2-step Opt-in technology that lets you convert any link or image on your website into an opt-in form with zero coding. This feature has proven to significantly increase conversion by 2x or more.

3. Exit-intent Technology

OptinMonster’s exit-intent technology detects when a visitor is about to leave your website and triggers a targeted popup or message to prevent abandonment. Typically, the popup or message offers the visitor an incentive to encourage further interaction.

This feature helps you recover potentially lost leads and sales. The exit-intent technology is an excellent tool for growing your email subscriber list for marketing purposes.


OptinMonster offers affordable pricing starting at $9 per month.

3. Picreel

Picreel - one of the best Sumome Alternatives with its custom popup builderAre you looking for an affordable yet effective SumoMe alternative for generating leads and increasing sales? Picreel might just be your best bet. With this tool, you can get up to a 300% boost in leads, conversions, and sales.

Picreel, like SumoMe, is a platform that specializes in optimizing website conversions by reducing bounce rates and recovering abandoning visitors. It does so through the help of its numerous features and functionalities.

Key Features

1. Fast and Easy Popup Builder

Picreel provides the perfect tool for building popups that convert. The platform offers over 100 popup templates. These popups can help you capture at least 50% more leads, boosting your conversion.

2. Advanced Targeting

Picreel has an advanced targeting feature that enables its users to target specific visitors based on different criteria such as how long they’ve been on the site, exit-intent demonstration, whether or not they are new visitors and more.


Picreel offers a forever-free plan for startups and small businesses. The business plan starts at $9.99 per month.

4. OptiMonk

Optimonk - for utilizing your ecommerce website.OptiMonk makes the list of top SumoMe alternatives. This is because it offers similar features as SumoMe with some functionalities that it even better.

OptiMonk is a conversion tool that helps e-commerce businesses grow their email list, reduce cart abandonment, increase conversion, and boost sales using popups.

Key Features 

1. Over 300 Templates

The OptiMonk team took it upon themselves to make creating marketing campaigns easy for you. With over 300 mobile-friendly popup templates to select from, you can create multiple campaigns in no time and watch them generate the desired results.

2. A Powerful Drag and Drop Editor

Although OptiMonk provides ready-to-use templates, you can easily customize any template of your choice to match your brand tone. Doing this ensures you maintain brand identity while keeping your website aesthetically pleasing.

Some of the customization options include size, color, images, layout, position, opt-in form fields, etc.


OptiMonk offers a free plan with limited features. The paid plan starts at $39 per month.

5. Ominisend

Omnisend - one of the best Sumome alternatives for Shopify

Omnisend is a multichannel platform that enables e-commerce store owners to engage with their customers wherever they are through email or SMS.

Equipped with features that promote sales and conversion, Ominisend is one of the best SumoMe alternatives for sales. Merchants who use Omnisend say they made $72 for every dollar they spent on email and SMS marketing in 2023.

Key Features

1. Email and SMS Marketing

Email marketing remains one of the biggest and most effective marketing strategies for e-commerce businesses. Understanding how it works can significantly impact your business.

The Omnisend email and SMS marketing feature helps increase your sales potential through the use of templates with personalized messages that resonate with the audience.

Templates are fully customizable and can help you get as high as 47.7% conversion when you combine email and SMS marketing.

2. Automation

Automation affords you the time to focus on other aspects of your business. And Omnisend offers pre-built automations that drive sales.  You can create several campaigns and get them running in no time.

Omnisend’s automation accounts for about 30% of sales generated through the platform. This makes a great SumoMe alternative for increasing sales.


Like Adoric, Omnisend operates a pay-as-you-grow pricing model. You can start for free as a beginner while the standard plan starts at $16 per month.

Wrapping Up

Adoric is the perfect SumoMe alternative for e-commerce businesses looking to boost conversion and sales. This is because it offers a variety of features that enable you to effectively convert your website visitors into paying customers.

Other alternatives we have discussed here are also great options that can help improve your revenue generation. But they might not offer as many features as Adoric.

So why not get started with Adoric today?

Install Adoric Shopify App

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