Top 25 Product Recommendation Tools to Grow Your Sales

Last updated on March 26, 2024 11 mins read

Product Recommendation Tools

If you own an eCommerce website and aren’t using any product recommendation tool, you are leaving lots of cash on the table.

These tools make it possible for you to recommend products your visitors will most likely find useful and relevant.

Thankfully, there are lots of product recommendation tools you can easily deploy to your website with ease.

Product recommendation tools use a set of algorithms to show relevant products to your visitors. They do this by using data like location, gender, and more specific information like purchase intent.

Also, they are so versatile that you can use them to recommend movies, food, clothes, and really anything you want to sell on your website.

And if you thought that product recommendation tools are a waste of resources, think again. Did you know that the almighty Amazon uses them amply? In fact, 35% of Amazon’s sales come from recommending products to their customers.

Product recommendation tool

You can implement product recommendations on your website in several ways. For example, you may decide to deploy them as popups or banners on your website. Also, you can use them in the marketing emails you send out.

Want to learn more about product recommendations? This article will give you all the juicy details.

In today’s post, I want to show you some of the best product recommendation tools you can count on.

But before diving in, here are some tips for choosing the right product recommendation tool for your website.

They are as follows:

1. Your Business Type

With product recommendation tools, what is good for the goose may not necessarily be good for the gander. While some product recommendation engines work seamlessly across all industries, others are best suited for certain industries than others.

Additionally, check to see what others are saying about the tool. You want to be sure that a recommendation engine works with the type of products and services you offer before you go for it.

Apart from checking the tool’s website to see if it works for your industry, you can also check with other eCommerce businesses in your industry to see what recommendation tools they use.

2. Compatibility with Your Website

In choosing a product recommendation tool, ask yourself the following questions: How easy is it to install? Does it integrate seamlessly with the eCommerce platform you use? If, for example, you use Shopify, you want to be sure the tool works with Shopify stores.

Your answer to these questions will help you decide if the recommendation tool you want to go for is the right one for your website.

3. Pricing

Prices vary with each product recommendation tool. So, what is your budget?

Make sure you’re getting value for your money. Thankfully, many product recommendation tools offer free trials or money-back guarantees before you fully commit to using them.

4. Features

Does the product recommendation tool provide the features you need to increase your conversion rate and grow your brand?

A good place to find this information is from the home website of that recommendation tool.

Now, that’s just about that!

As promised, below, I have highlighted some of the best eCommerce product recommendation tools to grow your eCommerce brand.

25 Product Recommendation Tools to Grow Your Sales

1. Adoric

Adoric: Upsell & Product Recommendation

Adoric’s product recommendation tool is a perfect option if you’re looking to increase your conversion rates.

It comes with a powerful recommendation engine that is smart enough to know what your visitors will most likely want to buy, and recommend it to them.

This is because it creates recommendations based on real-time data and your visitors’ behaviors on your website.

With Adoric installed on your Shopify store, you can track Direct sales vs Assisted revenue, impressions, clicks, and CTRs on your campaigns.

To start a product recommendation, log into your Adoric dashboard and locate Product Recommendations under campaigns. You can access a range of campaigns including:

  • Home page best sellers (which brings your top performing products on your home page).
  • Home page recently viewed (which allows shoppers see what other customers are viewing).
  • Bought together with products (with this campaign, your shoppers can see other products that are frequently purchased alongside their chosen products).
  • Collection bestsellers (top-selling collections of products)

Adoric’s product recommendations are simplified for businesses across all niches. Doesn’t matter if you run a healthcare or a sportswear store, you can easily set up a recommendation campaign from your dashboard.

2. Monetate

Monetate Product Recommendation tool

Monetate is another eCommerce solution that can help to improve your visitors’ shopping experience while simultaneously increasing the sales of your products.

Trusted by big brands like Adidas and National Geographic, it provides a product recommendation engine that will help you make the most of your online traffic. In addition, it also offers testing, targeting, and customization features.

3. Barilliance

Barilliance Product Recommendation

With Barilliance you can create personalized shopping experiences for your web visitors.

How does Barilliance do this? It makes use of AI algorithms to draw data from your visitors’ behavior on your website. This data is useful for delivering product recommendations your visitors will find very useful.

With Barilliance, you can also increase sales conversion by implementing its personalization features.

Barilliance is easy to set up, and you can start to make your website more interactive after just 5 minutes of installation.

4. Salesforce

Salesforce Product Recommendation

Salesforce offers real-time personalization for every visitor on your website. With this software, engagement is seamless and increasing conversion rates is easier.

Salesforce provides a highly intuitive interface that helps you gain insights into your customer behavior using AI algorithms. The data drawn from each visitor’s behavior will help deliver the perfect experiences from start to finish.

Its features make it possible to understand every customer’s needs and fulfill those needs. With these features, you can recommend the most valuable products and content to your visitors.

5. Apptus

Apptus Product Recommendation Tool

Apptus helps you provide your visitors with that seamless shopping experience that they desire. It does this by perfectly mixing the use of AI with manual input from your customers to recommend the perfect products and services.

Apptus overall conversion rate. Its features help you personalize product recommendations for every visitor. Apptus is a wise choice if you are looking to give your eCommerce business the growth you desire.

6. Yusp

Yusp Product Recommendation

Whether you are a website owner or marketer, Yusp is a good fit. With this product recommendation tool, you can provide your visitors with a personalized experience. Using its intelligent Algorithm, it predicts your visitor’s preferred content and provides them with offers, discounts, among others.

7. Dynamic Yield

Dynamic Yield Product Recommendation Tool

This recommendation tool boasts using agility and speed to provide website visitors with personalized content. It works to provide your customers with a seamless shopping experience.

Dynamic Yield provides your web visitors with quick product recommendations using real-time data and deep learning technology. With this tool, you can deploy product recommendations to any page on your website: your homepage, product page, cart page, etc. What’s more, you can as well use it in your marketing emails.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a marketer or a business owner. With Dynamic Yield’s product recommendation technology, in the end, everyone is happy.

8. Attraqt


Attraqt provides services that help you along all stages of the sales funnel – right from creating awareness for your business to sealing the sale.

It is an AI-driven product recommendation tool that personalizes your users buying journey.

This eCommerce product recommendation software helps you drive your visitors towards making a purchase, but without being annoying. This means more sales and revenue for your business.

9. Bunting

Bunting recommendation engine

Bunting is a highly affordable product recommendation tool whose starting plan stands at $0. It provides features that help you optimize your sales funnel by putting your customers first.

Bunting provides tools, elements, and features that make it easier to acquire, retain and convert visitors on your eCommerce website. Its analytics feature helps you understand your customers’ purchase intent and recommends products accordingly.

10. RichRelevance


RichRelevance is a product recommendation tool trusted by big brands like Burberry. It provides personalized recommendations for products or content that suits your customers needs, on a personal level.

Its impressive features and product recommendation capability will help increase your conversion rate, and thus generate more revenue.

RichRelevance is versatile so that you can use it on most eCommerce platforms such as Shopify or WooCommerce.

It offers omnichannel personalization – a marketing technique that enables you to provide a personalized experience to each website visitor via any given channel, whether on the web or an app, mobile phone or desktop device.

11. CommerceStack


Have you got a Magento shop? CommerceStack is just what you need. It looks at your visitors’ behavior to automatically recommend related products or contents to them.

With this tool, you can provide cross-sells for your entire catalog with just one click. This means that you can easily recommend any related products from your catalog to your visitors and for hosting you can opt Cloudways Magento hosting.

Also, CommerceStack integrates perfectly with all Magento templates.

It is easy to use and even easier to set up. It comes with features that allow you to customize your product recommendations as you see fit.

CommerceStack offers a whopping 30-day free trial before you have to pay for any of its plans.

12. LiveChat

Livechat recommendation tool

With LiveChat, product recommendation is a little more personal and interesting. It offers a fantastic customer experience by creating an interactive chat with each visitor.

This helps the recommendation tool know what each visitor is looking to find on your website. This way, you can provide even more accurate recommendations and fast.

Not only is it highly interactive, but it also enables you to show off your products using catchy product cards. It also provides you with the data analyses you need to track your website’s performance.

Overall, LiveChat perfectly balances automation with a human touch that makes it easy for your visitors to connect with your brand on a more personal level.

13. Omniconvert

Omniconvert Product Recommendation

Omniconvert combines the power of advanced segmentation algorithms, A/B testing, and web personalization. This helps to eliminate guessworks.

It provides a means for you to improve your website’s performance by increasing conversion and retention.

What’s more, you’d also be reducing the cart abandonment rate of your website.

14. Personyze


As its name implies, Personyze is an eCommerce website personalization and automation tool. It combines machine learning with marketing automation to provide nothing but the best content and product recommendations for your website visitors.

Personyze learns the behavior and other fundamental data such as age, gender and location of your visitors. It pulls these data from their previous visits.  This data is then used to deliver accurate recommendations.

It also allows you to customize elements of your product recommendations for web or app popups and email so that they are more likely to grab your customers’ attention.

15. PureClarity


PureClarity is another product recommendation engine that aims to help you increase your website’s sales, engagement and conversion rate. Its features allow you to create personalized content using various elements like catchy banners.

This tool provides intelligent and accurate recommendations to visitors via features like personalized search results. As such, your users will find it easy to find products they have the most interest in.

PureClarity integrates perfectly well with email service providers such MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, or DotDigital.

It also provides personalized popups, live chat, audience segmentation, analytics, and a host of other features.

16. Qubit


Qubit partners with Google to bridge the gap between your eCommerce website and your visitors to provide them with the best shopping experience. Also, Qubit is dedicated to making eCommerce more effective, personal, and profitable.

It uses artificial intelligence to provide valuable insights for you to provide product recommendations to your shoppers.

Qubit is trusted by big brands like the Radisson Hotel Group.

17. AutoCommerce

AutoCommerce Product Recommendation Tool

What makes AutoCommerce stand out is the fact that it is 100% free. This product recommendation tool aims to help you increase your online store’s average order value. This will in turn help increase your revenue.

AutoCommerce helps you personalize your website visitor’s online experience so that they can convert faster. It shows your visitors the overall best selling products on any page you want. This could be your home, categories, or product page.

The only downside with this tool is that you can only use it on a Shopify store.

AutoCommerce is fully automated and allows you to customize your product recommendations to blend in with your store’s style.


UNBXD Recommendation

UNBXD is an AI-powered that makes product recommendation easy.

It provides a unique customer experience that helps your visitors discover the perfect product in shorter time. UNBXD does this with personalized search results, product recommendations,.

It comes with features like advanced charts and analytics, detailed reporting, etc. Interestingly, it offers 24/7 customer support.

19. Certona

Now known as Kibo, Certona is a leading website personalization tool.

Certona is a great choice if you are looking to increase your store’s average order value, reduce bounce rate, increase revenue per visit. It provides personalized discovery, search, recommendations, etc.

20. Cxense


Cxense takes advantage of every visitor’s data to provide and recommend relevant content and products. With this tool, you can make more sales.

It is intelligent enough to predict what your visitors need at any given moment.

Cxense also acts as a data management platform, can help optimize your website sales funnel, and reduces cart and site abandonment.

21. Emarsys

Emarsys product recommendation

With Emarsys, you can create an unforgettable browsing experience for your visitors.

Emarsys speeds up business growth through specific industry analytics. This tool provides you with working strategies and solutions tailored specifically for your industry.

In addition to that, Emarsys has an API that merges your customer data with its features to provide the perfect recommendations for them.

22. Linkcious


Linkcious is another product recommendation tool that perfectly integrates with eCommerce platforms like WooCommerce and Shopify.

This tool works in a similar fashion as Amazon’s recommendation engine.

With Linkcious, you can increase your revenue and conversion rates. It is easy to install and has a friendly interface.

23. Pure360


Want to create a unique shopping experience for your visitors? Pure360 is your answer. A great choice for entrepreneurs looking to improve their website’s conversion rate.

With Pure360, you don’t have to guess what kind of content your visitors will like to see on your website. Instead, it uses your visitors’ behaviors to suggest products they may be interested in.

This tool enables you to work smarter, earn more and grow your business with ease.

24. Reflektion


Reflektion is another product recommendation solution that you can’t go wrong with. It provides a real-time update on your visitor’ behaviors on your website.

This tool comes with a robust personalization feature to help you drive sales.

It monitors and records your visitors’ purchase intent in real-time and uses this data to predict other products they might like. This, in turn, helps your visitors make a purchase faster.

25. GeoFli

GeoFli Product Recommendation

GeoFli takes a unique step towards improving your visitors’ online experience by providing them with content according to their geographical location.

With this, GeoFli helps reduce bounce rate and cart abandonment.


While this is just 25 product recommendation tools out of the tons of options out there, they are the best ones too. Hopefully, this list has helped you to narrow down your choices.

To try out Adoric’s powerful product recommendation engine, sign up for free today.  and enjoy a boost in sales on your eCommerce website.


Try Adoric for Free


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