15 Awesome Black Friday Campaign Templates for 2024

Last updated on March 11, 2024 5 mins read

Awesome Black friday templates for 2024

Looking for some awesome, creative Black Friday campaign templates to supercharge your marketing effort and gain a lot of sales this holiday shopping period?

Read on!

Black Friday is one of the busiest periods of the year for e-commerce. Don’t believe us? In recent years, US shoppers spent a total of $211billion per year on Black Friday purchases.

That figure will definitely be bigger this year. This means a lot of sales will be made this Black Friday, which is just a few days away.

To make the most of it and gain a lot of sales during the holiday hype, you need to develop and promote irresistible holiday sales using eye-catching popups.

This is where our Black Friday Campaign templates come into play. These templates let you create stunning, conversion-driven promotional popups without starting from scratch. All you have to do is customize them however you want in our campaign wizard.

We’ve compiled 15 of these templates in this article and divided them into 5 categories to make it easy for you to follow through. Of course, there are more from where they came from, but at least these 15 are enough to get you started.

Black Friday Campaigns Templates

Ready to make a killing this Black Friday? Here are some product recommendation campaigns and promotional  templates available in our campaign wizard.

1. Black Friday Discount Features

Black Friday Popup

Online shoppers love discounts and coupons – they can’t just resist them. This makes coupon marketing one of the best Black Friday marketing ideas to try out.

Hooking shoppers with discounts and coupons using popups will prompt them to buy in droves from your store.

Lucky for you, we’ve got many discount-centric popup templates you can try out this Black Friday. Here are some of them:

Black Friday Discount Popup

2. Black Friday Gamified Popups

Spin-to-win Black Friday popup

Regular popups can sometimes be boring – online shoppers have seen them a million times on a million websites already. You need to use something cool and interesting to get their attention.

And what else can that thing be other than gamified popups?

In the simplest sense, gamified popups are popups that let visitors win discounts and coupons by playing interactive games. Adoric has two major types of gamified popups; Spin-to-win and Falling Gifts popups.

As you would expect, our Shopify campaign wizard has a load of gamified campaign templates you can use on the fly to create stunning Black Friday promotional popups.

Here are a few more:

Falling Gifts game

Black Friday Gamified Popup

These popups are elegant, aren’t they?

3. Cart Recovery Popup

Black Friday Campaign Templates

Cart abandonment is a very serious issue in e-commerce. In fact, research has it that, on average, 70% of shoppers abandon their carts for myriad reasons.

One easy way to combat cart abandonment, especially during this Black Friday, is by using a cart recovery popup. These popups allow you to win back visitors exiting your website by enticing them with free shipping or discounts.

On top of that, you can also use these popups to motivate shoppers to go through with their purchasing journey and not stop halfway.

Check out some of these cool templates.

Cart recovery popup

Black Friday Cart Recovery Templates

4. Email Signup Popups

Email signup popup

It’s not always easy to get visitors to buy from your store on their very first visit – even on their second, third, etc. visits.

It’s easy to think that the problem is coming from you. Maybe your website flow is terrible. Or maybe, your copies aren’t punchy.

Well, the thing is, it’s not often your fault. More often than not, your visitors are not just ready to buy anything. So instead of losing them, you can get their emails and market to them later.

This is where email signup popup come in handy.

Here are some nice Black Friday email signup popups you can try.

Email signup popups

Black Friday Campaign Templates

5. Custom Recommendation Campaigns

Adoric’s Product Recommendation helps you sell more products through custom campaigns that boost your conversion rate.

Product Recommendation Campaigns

With Adoric installed on your Shopify store, you can track sales, impressions, clicks, and CTRs on your campaigns. You can also monitor the drop in bounce rates due to your live campaigns.

To create a custom Black Friday Campaign, log into your Adoric dashboard and locate Product Recommendations under campaigns. You can access a range of campaigns including:

  • Home page best sellers (which brings your top performing products on your home page).
  • Home page recently viewed (which allows shoppers see what other customers are viewing).
  • Bought together with products (with this campaign, your shoppers can see other products that are frequently purchased alongside their chosen products).
  • Collection bestsellers (top-selling collections of products)

6. Promotional Popups

Promotional templates

Got some enticing sales offers you will like your visitors to know about? Or you plan to offer free shipping to customers? Our promotional popups are the best tools to use for this.

Here are some stunning promotional popup templates you can use for BFCM (Black Friday Cyber Monday Marketing)

Black Friday Free Shipping Bar

Shipping Bar for Black Friday

Ready to Use These Templates

Now you’ve seen these awesome templates, the next thing you will want to do now is to start using them to create eye-popping product recommendations for your Shopify store.

Don’t delay! Start creating your holiday campaigns right now in just 3 minutes. To do this, go to your account, click on “+” in the upper right corner, choose the type of campaign, click on the “Black Friday” button and choose the desired holiday template.

Your holiday offers are ready.

Create Campaign

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