7 Offline Marketing Strategies For Shopify

Last updated on April 6, 2023 6 mins read

Did you know that there are offline marketing strategies you can use to promote your Shopify store? This means you don’t have to keep your marketing exclusively online.

While it may seem like digital marketing is the order of the day, there are still some offline methods of marketing that will greatly benefit your Shopify business. You just need to know what you are doing.

Interestingly, most online marketing strategies are based on offline marketing strategies. They often revolve around your communication skills and interpersonal relationship. For example;

  • Webinar – Speaking
  • Email – Direct mail
  • Online publication – Print publication
  • Zoom meeting – group meeting
  • Search – cold calls

If you get your offline marketing right, it can yield great results.

What Is Offline Marketing?

Offline marketing is any marketing strategy that does not involve the internet. That means using offline media channels like the printing press, television, billboard, one-on-one networking, and more.

The good thing about using offline marketing strategies is you can use them together with the conventional online marketing strategies you already know. You can combine many Shopify marketing tips with offline strategies to achieve better results.

Why Is Offline Marketing Still Effective?

We have been made to believe that online marketing is all we need. But the truth is that offline marketing is still effective in its capacity. According to a study in 2016, offline marketing is about 75% effective for B2B.

The image above is proof of its effectiveness. Also, offline marketing strategies allow you to utilize all your resources. You can use several of these strategies at once or use one method in multiple ways.

Offline Marketing Strategies For Shopify

There are several offline marketing strategies you can use to promote your Shopify business. However, you need to ensure that the strategy you eventually use aligns with your brand.

That said, here are the seven best offline marketing strategies for you.

1. Networking

Offline marketing strategies for Shopify

As an online business owner, one way to inform people about your business is through a one-on-one conversation. That means you have to be eloquent and convincing. Knowing the face behind an online store can prompt people to visit your store and patronize you.

To make the most of networking, you may need to sharpen your communication skills and join targeted groups filled with potential customers.

To move a step further, you need to perfect your people relationship skills and promote your business to every ear that cares to listen.

2. Use Business Cards

Offline marketing strategies for Shopify

After singing your praises and telling people all the amazing things about your Shopify business, how do you ensure they don’t forget? A business card is the most effective strategy at this point.

A beautifully made business card with a QR code linked to Shopify store URL, email, and contact address on it gives your new prospects something to remind them of your business. Always have them in your pocket before stepping out. Ensure your sales reps get a copy as well.

Keep your business card designs in unison with your Shopify store design, color, font style, and logo. Although it is an offline marketing strategy, the goal is to drive traffic to your website. Staying consistent speaks volumes about you and your business.

You don’t need to spend all your resources since business cards are just one of the many strategies at your fingertip. There is a myriad of affordable template designs. But if you want something unique, consider outsourcing to a professional designer.

Business cards not only help people remember your business, but they can also act as a voice in your absence. To add more uniqueness to your card, use the portrait orientation, colored cardboards in place of the regular white paper, and an unusual font style.

3. Radio Advertising

If you just launched your Shopify business but have yet to generate traffic, try promoting your business on the radio. It would surprise you to find out the staggering number of people that listen to the radio. According to Forbes, radio ads generated revenue estimated at $13.9 billion in 2021. And Nielsen Motors reported that 91% of adults listen to the radio while driving.

Make a list of radio stations that caters to your target audience before going on air. Pick one or more of them and go on air.

When creating your radio jingles, you can spice it up with words that appeal to your listeners’ emotions. But keep it honest and direct. Tell your listeners what they stand to gain by patronizing you and why your business is unique.

When your audience decides to visit your Shopify store and find your words to be true, this can encourage them to become returning customers. And they may also help to promote your business to their friends and family.

4. Cold calls

Cold calling is another offline marketing strategy. Even though this method is gradually becoming obsolete, it can still yield positive results. A lot of people still appreciate direct human conversations.

Cold calling is the act of calling potential customers to convince them to try out your products or services. The strategy is similar to cold emailing.

The result of this method can go in any direction, positive or otherwise. As a first-timer, you may struggle to get through to people. To get desired results from cold calling, we suggest you develop a calling script and use it.

Cold calling alone can generate about 2% result. And when combined with other marketing strategies, the results become even better. You can use this method to reach out to potential sponsors or marketing agencies capable of promoting your business.

Make a persona of your target audience and figure out the right time to call. Be mindful of their time, and do not be over persistent. Depending on the nature of your business, you may leave out pitching sales the first time and just get acquainted with your potential customer.

Cold calling becomes fun when you discover the tricks around it. Here is a guide to help you get started with cold calling.

5. Refine Elevator Pitch

If you already own a business, the term “elevator pitch” should not be new to you. An elevator pitch in simple terms is the summary of your business plan. It encompasses all its benefits and advantages. It must be concise, straightforward, and yet convincing.

A well-written elevator pitch is a great tool that can push your business to greater heights, you never can tell who might be standing right next to you in a gathering. The first stage in starting a business begins with writing a business plan. Your elevator pitch is a refined version of your business plan.

Keep refining your pitch as you progress until it becomes impeccable. The quality of your elevator pitch can also boost your confidence when speaking to potential customers or sponsors.

Furthermore, practice your elevator pitch continuously and time yourself while at it. According to Hubspot, a short pitch not longer than 30 seconds is more effective than longer pitches. There is a handful of materials to help you write the perfect elevator pitch for your business.

6. Showcase Your Brand

There are several ways to drive more traffic to your Shopify store. And creating awareness within your environment is one out of many. You can go about this strategy in different ways.

One option is to give back to your community in any way possible. It could be by sponsoring special occasions in schools, medical and community centers or offering to render your services for free within a specific time frame.

Your community will always need something. Look for the need that aligns with your brand and sponsor them or volunteer to help.

More often than not, businesses that sponsor community projects or render free services enjoy free promotions.

Another option could be to print your business logo on clothing and have you and your team wear them. You may also decide to give out branded items to your customers, both old and new. Ensure that these items are valuable and made of quality materials.

Mind you the aim is to drive traffic to your online store. So make sure to include your Shopify URL and other contact address in your print.

7. Attend Trade Shows

If you want more visibility for your Shopify business, try participating in trade shows. Trade shows are one of the most common and effective offline marketing strategies. According to Havard Business Review, big companies allocate between 5% to 35% of the marketing budget to trade shows.

The trading venues are a great place to meet potential business partners, sponsors, and customers. They are the perfect environment to use other marketing strategies such as distributing your business cards, wearing your branded shirts to create awareness, and networking. For better results, reach out to your new connection before the week runs and see where it leads.

It only takes attending a few trade shows and doing the right thing to generate considerable traffic for your business. Carefully select your promotional materials, be sure to pick those that match the theme of the show.

Every material you choose must represent your brand and be ready to persuade your audience when the time comes.

Trade shows can be a little competitive. But with the right strategy, your booth will be overflowing with customers. Try using compelling words or gimmicks to gain attention. Also, give out free products or sell them at a discount.


These offline marketing strategies still have what it takes to drive traffic to your online store. They also work for brick-and-mortar stores that sell their products online. Here is how to combine your brick-and-mortar with Shopify if you want to try it.

There is no harm in combining offline marketing strategies with online strategies. These strategies are similar to each other to a great extent.

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