25 Shopify Marketing Strategies to Try in 2024

Last updated on March 11, 2024 14 mins read

Shopify marketing tips

Are you looking for the best Shopify marketing strategies to try in 2024 to increase your traffic and sales? This post is for you.

Getting sales on Shopify can be challenging, especially when you are starting. This is why growing your sales from $0 to $1000 can seem far-fetched. However, it is very possible.

In this post, we will share Shopify marketing tips to help you grow your sales in the fastest possible time. Also, you will get to learn tricks and hacks to get more traffic to your website and convert them into sales.

Stick around!

25 Shopify Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Sales

To make your first sale on Shopify and grow your business, you need two vital elements: traffic and a conversion funnel.

If visitors don’t come to your website, you surely don’t have any chance of making a sale. And if they come to your website but you don’t have a way of converting them into customers, that traffic will go to waste.

To this end, we have divided this Shopify marketing guide into two parts.

In the first part, you will learn tips and tricks to drive traffic to your Shopify website. After that, we will show you strategies for converting your website traffic into sales.

15 Shopify Marketing Strategies to Get More Traffic to Your Website

Growing your website traffic from 0 to 10,000 visits per month is very possible if you implement the following strategies.

1. Optimize Your Website for SEO

SEO is the best thing that has happened to the internet since sliced bread. If done correctly, you can drive a ton of traffic to your online store without spending a dime on ads. And without paying an SEO agency.

To start, you first need to identify the keywords you would like your Shopify website to rank for. Tools like Google Keyword Planner can help. Once you have identified them, the next you will want to do is to infuse them into your pages.

To do so, log into your Shopify store and click the Preferences tab. Then add a Meta Description containing your target keywords.

You can do the same for your product pages, page titles, and blog posts. Infusing your target keywords makes it easy for shoppers to find your products on Google.

Shopify SEO Guide

2. Publish a Ton of Insightful Blog Posts

Infusing keywords into your pages and meta description is not enough. The reason is that there are millions of eCommerce stores on the web. As such, building visibility on Google can be tough. Tough, but not impossible.

Therefore, publishing insightful posts on your blog will help improve your website’s visibility on Google. The more you post content to your blog, the more you will naturally load your website with keywords. And more keywords mean better ranking.

What should you blog about? A lot!

Let’s say you sell pet supplies. Potential blog topics include “how to give your pet a nice treat without spending much”, “10 great toys your Poodle will love”.

Do you get the idea?

3. Tell Your Friends and Everyone That Cares to Listen About Your Store

This strategy might look unorthodox, but it does work. Will telling friends about your store get you 1000 visits a month? Likely not.

However, it will help generate the much-needed impressions your website needs to grow.

4. Promote Your Store on Instagram

Fourth on our list of Shopify marketing tips is promoting your store on Instagram. Instagram is an ecosystem on its own, and chances are most of your potential customers hang out there.

You might think you need thousands of followers to market your store on Instagram effectively. Guess what? You don’t!

In fact, more followers don’t always equal more sales. What matters most is engagement – focus on building engagement and not necessarily followership.

How can you go about that?

A good way to start is by posting engaging content on your Instagram page and hashtagging it. By engaging content, we mean content your target audience will find informative, entertaining, or a mix of both.

Hashtagging can improve your account’s visibility organically if done consistently.

Another tactic is commenting on other people’s Instagram pages, especially pages with many followers.

How to promote your Shopify store on Instagram

5. Partner With an Influencer

Influencer marketing isn’t dead – it still works like a charm. But only if you partner up with the right influencer.

And no, it doesn’t have to be Kylie Jenner or Ariana Grande. Your next-door neighbor can be the right person for the job.

How do you know the right influencer to work with?

The first thing to check is the influencer’s audience to see if they align with your market.

For example, if you are into home gardening, Cristiano Ronaldo’s followers may not work because, well, Football is what tickles their fancy. Not really home gardening.

Also, check the engagement rate on their page. Do people comment and interact with their posts? You can use an engagement rate calculator like this one by Modash to check for free.

As for compensation, not all influencers will ask you for money. Some are okay with testing your products and giving honest feedback about them. So you don’t have to worry about shelling out thousands of dollars in compensation.

6. Promote Your Shopify Store on Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace can be a viable source of traffic for your Shopify store.

Don’t believe us?

Statista has it that Facebook Marketplace has over 1 billion users globally. That’s a lot of potential traffic.

Promoting your Shopify store on Facebook is anything but hard, and costs almost nothing.

You might want to check out the guide below to get up and running on Facebook Marketplace.

How to promote your store on Facebook Marketplace

7. Run Paid Ads on Facebook

So far, we have only discussed the free techniques for generating traffic to your store. But if you are serious about driving targeted traffic to your website, you have to invest money in paid ads.

Shopify marketing tips

Facebook ads are a good place to start.

Knowing your target audience and understanding their preferences is important before delving into Facebook ads. Doing so will improve your odds of success and maximise your investment.

Check out our guide on finding your target audience on Facebook

How to find your target audience on Facebook

After sorting out your target audience, the next thing to do is to create catchy ads sets. What makes for a catchy ad?

Attractive image/video + attention-grabbing copies = Catchy ad

Scared that your copywriting skills are not good enough? We have a guide that can help.

10 tips for writing marketing copies that convert

You could even run retargeted ads on Facebook to drive more traffic to your website without spending much. Facebook retargeted ads are designed to help you win potential customers who have visited your website before.

This included people who visited your website without making a purchase, those who started checking out but abandoned their cart halfway, and people who interacted with your Facebook page.

Setting up retargeted ads is fairly easy. The guide below will come in handy when you need to set on up.

How to set up Facebook retargeting ads

8. Run Google Ads

Depending on your niche, Facebook ads may not always be ideal. There are times when running Google Ads is better.

The cool part is that Shopify makes running Google ads a breeze, and you can do so from your admin dashboard.

Shopify marketing tips

One vital key to succeeding with Google ads is finding the right mix of keywords. It’s also important to know the keywords to avoid (negative keywords).

As we earlier mentioned, SEO tools like Google Keyword Planner will come in handy here.

After coming up with a list of keywords you want to target, the next thing you will want to do is create a campaign. To do so, from your Shopify admin board, click the Marketing tab. After that, click the Create Campaign button.

SEO campaign for Shopify

The steps that will follow next are intuitive and straightforward.

9. Promote Your Store on Twitter

If you are in for the long haul and ready to wait a while to start seeing results, promoting your store on Twitter will make a lot of sense.

However, spamming Twitter with links to your store won’t help. Neither will getting 1,000 followers that have no interest in what you have to offer.

As such, you must start by building engagement.

How do you go about that?

Research to find out the keywords people looking for your product use on Twitter. The Twitter Advanced Search feature will come in handy here.

Additionally, post helpful, insightful tweets that potential customers will find useful. Add keywords to the tweets, but intelligently, to make them findable. Also, post catchy, shareable photos of your products and hashtag them with your keywords.

You can take things a bit further by following Twitter users who will likely have interest in your products, in the hope that they will follow you back.

Followerwonk can help you with this.

Better yet, you can occasionally run ads on Twitter to further expand your audience reach. Like Facebook, Twitter also has an Ads Manager that allows you to reach more users via paid ads.

Twitter ads

10. Get Active on Reddit

Reddit prides itself as the front page of the internet, and for a good reason: it’s one of the largest forums you will find online, with millions of users.

On Reddit, you will find people with like minds you can socialize with. You will also find people who will likely take an interest in your products and even promote them to others.

To get started on Reddit, you will have to first sign up for an account.

After signing up for an account, the next thing you will want to do is to find a relevant subreddit to join. Subreddits are forums where people with similar interests hang out.

A good example is the Shopify subreddit (/r/shopify/), with over 150,000 members.

Reddit marketing

Here, you can post helpful, brief, and concise posts that other Shopify users will find useful. You can also provide answers to questions posted on the forum.

Ensure you add a link to your store in your bio to get traffic from Reddit.

11. Partner With Bloggers

Another technique you can use to increase your website traffic fast is partnering with product review bloggers.

These are bloggers who regularly review products on their blogs and YouTube channels.

How can you find these bloggers? Through Google Advanced Search!

For example, if you sell Shampoo and skincare products, head over to Google Advanced Search and plug in the phrases “review blog” and “shampoo” like so:

Shopify marketing tips to grow sales

You can refine your search by playing around with keywords and changing some of the search parameters like language, region, etc.

When you eventually find a blog you feel you can work with, check if it has a healthy amount of traffic. Similarweb.com and Semrush.com can help you with that.

If the site has decent traffic, the next logical thing is to reach out to the site owner/manager.

Send an email letting them know you would like to have your product reviewed on their sites. You might be asked to pay a fee, although some bloggers will gladly do so without asking for anything.

12. Open a YouTube Channel

Did you know that YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google? YouTube currently has over 2 Billion active users.

To drive traffic to your website from YouTube, you first need to open a channel and start posting entertaining/educative videos.

You certainly don’t need a professional camera for this; your iPhone or Android smartphone will do.

What kind of videos will work?

You can create videos showing potential customers creative ways to use your products. Alternatively, you could create videos showing other customers using your products.

It’s important to add a link to your website on your YouTube page to ensure some traffic gets to your site.

You can do this by adding a link to your video descriptions. Another smart thing you can do is add a CTA button with the link back to your website at the end of every video.

Even better, you can create a lead magnet and use it to attract viewers to your website. Lead magnets, simply, are incentives you use to entice web users to perform specific actions, such as visiting your website.

It can be a free book, a cheat sheet, a free product trial, etc.

13. Get on Tiktok


Founded in 2016 by ByteDance, a Chinese internet company, Tiktok has established itself as one of the biggest video sharing platforms. TikTok is seriously giving YouTube a run for its money.

When properly harnessed, you can generate a ton of traffic to your website from TikTok. Here are some strategies that will help:

Post regularly: Posting engaging and creative videos will help improve your visibility on TikTok. However, coming up with creative video ideas all the time can be challenging. The good news is that you don’t have to!

What to do?

Create videos that show creative ways to use your products. You can even take a video of friends using your products.

Hashtag your content: If you don’t, your video content won’t enjoy good visibility.

Post at the right time: The best time to post on TikTok to get the most engagement is early in the morning when your users are just getting up from bed.

Add a link to your website in your bio: This is a no-brainer. If you want to drive traffic from TikTok to your website, adding a link in your bio is a must.

14. Get Offline

Running a business online doesn’t mean you have to keep your marketing exclusively online. Offline marketing can help tremendously.

What to do?

Determine where your potential customers will most likely be hanging out. For example, if you sell sports gear, you might want to visit recreational/gym facilities.

When you get there, give out samples of your products. If that won’t work, allow prospects to test them out for free.

You can take a step further by printing flyers and posters with your link to your website. If possible, add a QR code that points to your website on the flyer. Share the flyers with as many people as possible.

Offline marketing may seem offbeat, but it works – if you put in the effort and time.

15. A/B Test

Which of these traffic generation strategies will work the best? You never might know until you try.

That said, we recommend you try, possibly, all the strategies we have shared here to see which works the most. In marketing, this is referred to as A/B testing.

You will have to be patient with the process, though.

Okay, that’s about it for generating traffic to your site. Let’s now show you how to convert that traffic into sales.

10 Shopify Marketing Strategies to Increase Conversion

We hate to break it to you, but traffic doesn’t always equal sales. Here are things you can do if you are getting traffic to your Shopify website but have no sales.

16. Use Opt-in Popups to Capture Emails

Visitors coming to your website for the first time will mostly not buy anything from your store. Not because your products are bad, but because it’s their first time and they will naturally hesitate.

If you don’t find a way to capture these potential customers, you might lose them forever.

This is where an opt-in email popup comes in handy. Have a look at this one:

Don’t expect them to give away their emails all because you asked. Give them a reason to do so.

You might want to give something in return for their emails. It could be a free eBook, report, or even a discount on their next purchase.

This incentive is called lead magnet in marketing.

17. Offer Buy Now Pay Later

Have you ever seen something you really liked and wanted to buy but couldn’t because you didn’t have the money? Your only wish was that you had a way of buying and paying for it later.

Your Shopify visitors feel the same way at times too. This explains why you don’t get good sales despite the ton of traffic you are getting.

Lucky for you, Shopify allows you to give potential customers the option of buying and paying later for their purchases.

The best part is that you don’t have to run after anybody to pay up; Shopify and its partners will handle debt collection.

Find out more about the Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) payment model on Shopify in the guide below.

Boost sales on Shopify with Buy Now Pay Later

18. Entice With Spin to Win a Coupon Popup

Earlier, we mentioned how first-time visitors are averse to buying from an online store no matter how awesome your products are.

The good news is that you can do something about this. And it is by offering your first-time visitors a chance to win mouth-watering coupons that they can use in your store.

You can use a spin-to-win popup for this purpose. These are popups that allow users to win a coupon by spinning a lucky wheel. They get the coupon value the wheel falls on.

Here is an example:

Spin to win popup

Adoric makes setting up spin-to-win popups on your Shopify website easy peasy lemon squeezy. Additionally, we have a ton of spin-to-win templates you can pick from and customize to your heart’s content without breaking a sweat.

Alternatively, you can use our falling gift game popups instead of spin-to-win popups. This is because the falling gift game converts better (30%) than the spin-to-win game (18%).

The cool part is that our falling gift game popups are easy to customize, and you can tweak them to your heart’s content, thanks to our intuitive drag-and-drop design editor.

Falling gift game

19. Send Traffic to Your Product Pages, Not Home Page

It can be tempting to send traffic to your Shopify homepage if you are running paid ads. Don’t!

The reason is that visitors arriving on your homepage might find it stressful and tiring to navigate around your website to find what they are looking for. And they could get frustrated and abandon your website without buying anything.

You surely don’t want that.

Consequently, it’s best to send traffic to your product page, not the homepage.

For example, let’s say you sell bags and want to promote them on Facebook. When users click on your ad, they should arrive on the product page of the particular product they clicked on.

20. Write Stellar Copies

Can’t write irresistible copies to save your life? You had better learn how to, else you would lose a lot of sales.

Your product page copies and product descriptions ought to be top-notch if you are ever going to grow your sales from $0 to $1000 fast.

Learning to write catchy web copies isn’t hard; you just have to put in the effort and the time needed to master the art.

You can always hire a copywriter if you don’t have the time to write yourself.

21. A/B Test Your Website Elements

Did you know that changing the button color on your website from, say, green to red can improve your conversion rate? Changing your headlines a little can also do the same magic.

But how would you know what change will bring you the most conversion if you don’t try? This is where A/B testing comes into play.

A/B testing is a marketing term used to describe the concept of testing two variants of an element to see which yields the most results.

A/B testing

A/B testing your website copies, colors, CTA buttons, images, etc., can help improve your conversion rate and boost your sales.

22. Segment Your Traffic

As our faces are different, so are our individual preferences. That said, visitors coming to your website will certainly not have the same interest and behaviour. Therefore, you will have to segment them and show them campaigns based on their preferences.

Sounds like too much work? Don’t worry; Adoric has got your back.

Adoric allows you to segment your audience based on geolocation, language, traffic source, visitor type, user behavior, etc.

23. Offer Free Shipping

Everybody likes free shipping. In fact, free shipping is a major deal-breaker for many online shoppers. If you don’t offer free shipping, they won’t hesitate to abandon their carts hastily.

Offering free shipping doesn’t have to be an expensive venture. And you don’t have to worry about running at a loss just because you want to offer free shipping.

Here’s a guide that will help you make the most of free shipping

How to offer free shipping on Shopify

Better yet, you can use our free shipping bar feature to promote free shipping on your website.

With this feature, you can create elegant-looking, attention-grabbing floating bars to display your free shipping offers to increase sales. Shoppers love free shipping offers.

There are a ton of free shipping bar templates in our library, and you can easily customize these templates.

24. Win Back Abandoning Visitors With Exit-Intent Popups

Cart abandonment problems are a headache for many online merchants. If you are having the same issues in your store, read on.

One easy way to win back visitors attempting to exit your website is by using exit-intent popups. These popups appear at the moment a visitor motions to leave your website.

Thankfully, you can easily set one up on your website with Adoric. No need to code anything or hire a developer.

The best part is that we have a ton of exit-intent templates you can use right out of the box.

25. Keep At It

Sometimes, it’s your staying power that makes the whole difference, not necessarily your smart marketing strategies or your awesome-looking website.

If you are not seeing sales yet, you might have to hold on and try a bit harder.

Does that guarantee you will eventually start making a lot of sales? Maybe not.

But staying on a bit longer will improve your odds for success greatly.

Wrapping it Up

So there you have it; 25 awesome Shopify marketing strategies to grow your sales from $0 to $1000 fast.

To make the process faster, we recommend you install the Adoric Shopify app on your store. It comes with all the marketing and promotion features you need to grow your store and make your sales.

The best part is that you can start for free and scale up as your business grows.

Ready to take Adoric for a spin?

Install Adoric Shopify App

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