Case Study: How Ecualama Generated $16K Extra Revenue Using Adoric

Last updated on February 24, 2023 4 mins read

About Ecualama


Site platform: Shopify

Industry: handmade products

Location: Ecuador

Ecualama is an Ecuador-based retail shop that deals in fair-traded handmade products. Ecualama’s products are made from natural alpaca and synthetic synthetic fibre, giving them a unique touch you wouldn’t easily find elsewhere.

Ecualama uses these materials to craft some of Ecuador’s finest hats, ponchos, hand-woven rugs, blankets and many more. The company sells in both retail and wholesale.

Not too long ago, Ecualama used Adoric to create popup campaigns, with the goal of boosting their sales. The results were amazing:

$16.5K in sales, generated from over 124 orders!

We will show you exactly how they achieved that in this case study. Buckle up!


Ecualama had been having difficulty hitting their sales goals. Their website wasn’t converting the way they expected. Not like there was something wrong with the site – it just wasn’t converting.

Another challenge was that they were losing many customers on their checkout pages.

Rather than sit and hope for a miracle, Eculama turned to Adoric – a move that paid off big time.

The approach

Ecualama approached this challenge by creating three types of popup campaigns and deploying them to their website:

  • Wholesale promotions
  • Cart recovery exit-intent
  • Cart reminder popup for returning visitors

Let’s break it down a bit more.

Wholesale promotions

Ecualama knew selling products wholesale will generate more revenue for their store. Not like they haven’t been selling, just that sales had been trickling in at best.

To generate more wholesale orders, Ecualama created and deployed this pop-up promotion to their website:

Ecualama wholesale popup

Here’s how it looked on their website homepage:

Ecualama homepage

If you notice, the banner campaign above targets shoppers in the UK looking to pay with pounds instead of dollars. This was a clever move by Eculama.

In fact, they took things a bit further by specifically targeting shoppers from multiple countries using different currencies.

Geolocation targeting

The idea was to entice customers with an instalment payment, a mouthwatering discount, and free returns on opening orders.

And it worked! The results were remarkable.

Cart recovery exit-intent popup

Like most online stores, Ecualama was experiencing high cart abandonment as their customers weren’t completing checkout.

To solve this problem, Ecualama created a cart recovery exit-intent popup as shown below:

Cart recovery popup

The popup shows up anytime customers attempt to exit the website without completing their purchase.

Here’s how it looked on Ecualama’s product page:

Ecualama product page

To set this up, Ecualama used Adoric’s exit-intent trigger to fire up the popup any time shoppers attempted to exit their website.

To avoid being pushy so as not to irritate users, Ecualama set their exit-intent popup to only show once per session.

trigger rules

Expectedly, this exit popup helped curtail cart abandonment, further boosting Ecualama’s sales.

Cart reminder campaign

No matter how well-designed and well-executed your exit intent popup is, shoppers will still abandon their carts – though at a lower rate.

Ecualama knew this right from the get-go and so armed themselves with this cart reminder popup:

Here’s how it turned out on their website:

And here’s how it looks on mobile:

The idea was to remind customers that failed to complete checkout about items they left in their carts before leaving.

For best results, Ecualama leveraged Adoric’s powerful targeting tool to target returning visitors, firing up the campaign 5 seconds after they arrive.

ecualama popup trigger

To prevent buyer apathy, Ecualama also ensured the campaign showed up just once.


This also proved to be a smart move that paid off big time.


Ecualama’s effort did not go in vain. In just 30 days of implementing those campaigns on their website, their sales rose to $16.5K – the highest they have ever seen.

Sales also grew to an all-time high of 124.

Ecualama sales

Here’s a summary breakdown of how Ecualama achieved this feat – and what you can learn from it.

1. They showed their campaigns on specific pages:

popup frequency

2. They delayed their campaigns by 7 secs. Doing this ensured helped ensure their campaigns only showed to engaged users.

3. They avoided showing the campaigns more than once.


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