10 Best Shopify Businesses to Start with Less Than $1000

Last updated on February 2, 2024 7 mins read

Best Shopify Businesses to Start with Less Than $1000

Are you looking to start your own business on Shopify but have a limited budget? There are numerous Shopify businesses that you can start with less than $1000.

On Shopify, you don’t need a huge capital to get started. Think of the last time you wanted to get scented candles on Shopify. Would you say the owner of Seventh Avenue Apothecary broke the bank to set up this store?

In this post, we will be sharing the top 10 best Shopify businesses that you can start with a budget of less than $1000, so you can turn your dream of being a business owner into a reality. 

Understanding the Landscape of Shopify Businesses

Shopify offers a wide range of opportunities for starting a low-capital business. From dropshipping to print-on-demand, there are countless options available to suit different niches and interests. Whether you’re passionate about fashion, beauty, or home decor, there’s a business idea out there for you.

Understanding the landscape of Shopify businesses is essential to find the best business model that aligns with your goals and budget. By doing thorough research and exploring the different options, you can identify low-cost businesses that have the potential for success on the Shopify platform.

Benefits of Starting a Low-capital Shopify Business

Starting a low-capital Shopify business comes with several benefits that can help you turn your dream of being a business owner into a reality. First and foremost, starting with a low budget means that you don’t have to break the bank or take on significant financial risks. No loans, no overdrafts, no pressure to break even so immediately after you launch.

You can test out different business ideas and see what works for you without making a massive upfront investment.

Additionally, Shopify provides a user-friendly platform that is specifically designed for e-commerce businesses. You don’t need to have extensive technical knowledge or coding skills to set up your store and start selling. The platform offers ready-to-use templates, customizable themes, and various apps and plugins to enhance your store’s functionality.

Shopify has a large and supportive community of entrepreneurs and experts who are always willing to share their experiences and provide guidance. This network can be invaluable as you navigate the challenges of growing your low-capital business.

With these benefits in mind, it’s clear that starting a low-capital business on Shopify is a smart and accessible way to enter the world of e-commerce and start building your entrepreneurial journey.

Top 10 Shopify Businesses Under $1000

There are plenty of low-cost businesses that you can start with less than $1000. These businesses have the potential to thrive on the Shopify platform.

Here are our top 10 recommendations:


This popular business model allows you to sell products without having to hold inventory. Once you identify the exact products you want to sell, you can find suppliers who will ship the products directly to your customers.

Rather than invest a ton of capital in buying manufacturing materials or paying for storage space, you can channel your efforts into low-cost marketing at the early stages. With social media tools at your disposal, you can easily gather significant traffic to your store.


As with dropshipping, print-on-demand ensures that you reduce inventory costs. Create and sell custom-designed products, such as t-shirts, mugs, and phone cases.

With print-on-demand, you only produce the product when a customer places an order. You can combine word-of-mouth awareness with good customer service to channel new customers to buying from you.

Handmade Products

If you have a talent for crafting, selling handmade products like jewelry, candles, or home decor can be a profitable business.

Paperless Post, a US-based Shopify store, sells handcrafted and handmade letters and cards for all purposes. From birthdays to Thanksgiving, baby showers to game night postcards, they have options suiting multiple needs. And they’re so good they rank among the top 4000 stores on Shopify.

Handmade Products

Digital Products

It’s the age of digital products. If you linger around the internet enough, you’d purchase or download at least one digital product every month. Life coaches, business owners, niche experts, LinkedIn top voices…pretty much everyone now sells ebooks or templates.

You can create and sell digital products, such as e-books, online courses, or graphic design templates. These products have high-profit margins and can be easily scaled.
You can also collaborate with people who offer these products to their audience, creating and selling the products for them while splitting the profits.

Subscription Boxes

Curate and sell subscription boxes filled with niche-specific products. This business model provides recurring revenue and a loyal customer base.

Niche-specific Stores

Focus on a specific niche, such as eco-friendly products, pet accessories, or workout gear.

Catering to a specific audience achieves two things: one, you strike your target audience as passionate about the niche. Shoppers invested in climate change, for instance, will be curious to know what led you to selling eco-friendly products.

Two, you can stand out from the competition. Not everyone is doing it, which is why you should do it.

Beauty and Skincare Products

With the growing demand for beauty and skincare products, launching your own brand can be a profitable venture. You can start small and expand your product line over time.

What’s more? You can streamline the kind of products you sell. For instance, you can create products that adhere strictly to an organic mandate. This enables you to find the right people to purchase from you – people who use organic skincare products.

Home and Kitchen Accessories

The kitchen and cookware industry has boomed in the last five years with a 2.6% increase in annual growth. While there are household brands like William-Sonoma trading in kitchen products, you can narrow in on specific niche accessories and appeal to a smaller subset of potential customers.

Fitness and Wellness Products

On every New Year’s resolution, there’s something about fitness. This shows that while we don’t all commit to a fitness regimen, we think of it often.

Capitalize on this fitness and wellness trend by selling products like fitness equipment, supplements, or self-care items. You can also create e-books, templates, or fitness plans to help people achieve their fitness goals faster.

Know next to nothing about fitness regimens? Reach out to gym instructors and fitness coaches for collaborations.

Personalized Gifts

Offer personalized gifts for special occasions like birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries. Customers love unique and meaningful presents.

These are just a few of the best businesses you can start on Shopify with a budget of less than $1000. With a little creativity and dedication, you can build a successful and profitable business selling on Shopify.

Proven Techniques to Increase Sales for Your Low-budget Shopify Business

When it comes to increasing sales for your low-budget Shopify business, there are several proven techniques that can help you boost your revenue and grow your customer base. 

First, focus on optimizing your product listings and descriptions. Ensure that your product titles are catchy and descriptive, and include high-quality product images that showcase your items in the best light. Write compelling and persuasive product descriptions that highlight the benefits and unique features of your products. 

Leverage social media marketing to reach a wider audience. Create engaging and shareable content on platforms like Instagram and Facebook to showcase your products and build brand awareness. Engage with your followers and respond to their comments.

Another effective technique is to offer discounts and promotions. People love a good deal, so consider running limited-time offers, flash sales, or bundle discounts to incentivize customers to make a purchase. 

Nurture and engage your customer base with email marketing campaigns. Collect email addresses through pop-ups or giveaways and send out personalized emails with special offers, new product announcements, and helpful content. 

Optimize your website for mobile devices. A significant percentage of online shopping is done through mobile devices, so make sure your Shopify store is mobile-friendly and offers a seamless user experience. 

Scaling Your Business and Building Sustainability

Once your low-capital Shopify business starts gaining traction and generating sales, it’s important to focus on scaling your operations and building long-term sustainability. Scaling your business involves increasing your reach, expanding your product offerings, and optimizing your processes to accommodate growth. 

To scale your business:

  • Streamline your operations: As your business grows, it’s essential to optimize your operations to handle increased order volumes efficiently. Look for ways to automate processes, such as order fulfillment and customer service, to free up time for strategic tasks.
  • Invest in marketing: Allocate a portion of your budget to marketing initiatives that can help you reach a wider audience and attract more customers. Explore different advertising channels, such as social media advertising and influencer collaborations, to increase brand visibility and drive traffic to your store.
  • Expand your product range: As you establish your brand and build a customer base, consider expanding your product offerings to meet their evolving needs and preferences. Conduct market research to identify new products or variations that align with your target audience’s interests.
  • Enhance customer experience: Focus on providing exceptional customer service to build loyalty and encourage repeat purchases. Implement tools like live chat support or chatbots to offer instant assistance and address customer inquiries promptly.
  • Build partnerships: Collaborate with other businesses or influencers in your niche to tap into their audience and gain exposure. Joint promotions or co-branded products can help expand your reach and attract new customers.

You can effectively scale your low-budget Shopify business by rightly executing on these strategies.


Common Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Low-Capital Shopify Business

Starting a low-capital Shopify business can be exciting, but it’s important to avoid common mistakes that can hinder your success.

One common mistake is not properly researching and understanding your target audience. Knowing who you are selling to is crucial for creating products and marketing strategies that resonate with your customers.

Branding is not negligible. Your brand is what sets you apart from competitors and helps establish trust with customers. Neglecting to optimize your Shopify store for search engines is also a common mistake. Implementing SEO techniques can significantly improve your store’s visibility and attract more organic traffic.

Lastly, failing to analyze and track your business metrics can hinder your growth. Regularly reviewing your sales, customer engagement, and website analytics can provide valuable insights for making data-driven decisions. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can increase your chances of success when starting a low-capital Shopify business.

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