10 Ways to Increase Sales With Shopify Discounts

Last updated on September 25, 2023 9 mins read

When used efficiently, discounts and coupons can bring in lots of sales for your Shopify business.

Conversely, if misused, you won’t only hurt your profit margin and lose big time.

How then can you use coupons, discounts, and offers to drum up more sales for your business, and at the same time, double your profits?

That is exactly what this post is about!

In addition to that, you will also get to learn creative strategies to optimize your Shopify store for maximum conversion and sales.

So stick around.

5 Reasons Why Offering Discounts and Coupons on Shopify Make Sense

Why bother about offering discounts and sales offers to your customers when it can eat into your profit margin? Does it even still work? Well, let’s find out.

To start with, here are some interesting statistics you need to know about coupon and discount marketing:

  • In 2020, 88% of shoppers in the United States admitted to using coupons at a point
  • 92% of US consumers use coupons for shopping
  • Coupon shoppers spend 24% more than regular Shoppers

Numbers certainly don’t lie. Coupon usage isn’t fading away any time soon.

Need some more convincing? Here are some benefits coupon marketing has in store for those who use it:

  • Offering coupons, discounts, and sales offers to your customers gives you a chance to build loyalty with them.
  • Can lead to more sales conversion if done right
  • Helps to attract new customers to your business
  • Allows you to sell off old stocks and reduce your inventory
  • An enticement to bring back your old customers and get them to buy from your store

There are times when using coupons won’t just make any sense. Here’s why:

  • Coupon marketing can eat deeply into your profit margin
  • You might end up attracting disloyal customers with it
  • You could even drive away customers when your coupon offering ends

The key is balancing your couponing so that you still make profits and satisfy your customers simultaneously.

With all that said, let’s now have a close look at Shopify’s discount feature.

Shopify’s Discount Code Feature

Shopify has a native discount code feature that lets you create and manage discounts on your store with ease.

Shopify discounts


This feature allows you to create Shopify discount codes of different types: percentage, fixed amount, free shipping, or buy X and get Y free.

Additionally, you can set a discount on all your products or a specific product.

Also, you can make the discount accessible only when customers purchase a certain amount of product. You could even restrict discount eligibility to specific people and set a usage limit if you desire.

However, Shopify has some limitations when it comes to discounts and offers. Third party apps fix this. With numerous great apps to choose from, we recommend the AIOD – All Automated Discounts by Circle Studio.

It allows you to create bundles, BOGOs, free gifts, cart discounts, volume discounts, stackable discounts, post-purchase offers and more. AIOD is best at handling large amounts of discounts. It also allows scheduling discount codes + analytics to track offer performance. The price of this app is very competitive.

Types of Discount Offers and the Best Way to Use Them

Earlier, we highlighted the discount types Shopify has. Let’s now go over them a bit more closely.

Percentage Discounts

Percentage discount is one good place to start with your discount marketing – it is very popular.

Percentage coupon

Not only are they easy to create, but they also pack a lot of punch.

Typical percentage discounts fall within the band of 5% to 10%. You could go higher to, say, 25 or even 50%. But keep in mind that more does not always equate better.

When is percentage discount best used?

Percentage-based discounts are ideal for stores that enjoy high sales volume and a good profit margin.

Percentage discount will also come in handy when you are looking to sell off your excess inventory.

Fixed Discount

As the name suggests, this type of discount involves knocking off a certain amount of money from a customer’s purchase, regardless of the volume or size.

For example, you could offer customers $50 for every purchase they make from your Shopify store.

When is fixed discount best used?

If you don’t want to spend all your profits on discounts, the fixed discount is a better option.

Free Shipping Discounts

Did you know that shoppers tend to value free shipping over discounts at times? Statistics show that 84% of shoppers are willing to purchase from a store that offers free shipping.

That is proof that free shipping can help win you more sales. Do you know the best part? You can offer free shipping to your customers and still not spend much. It’s a win-win for you.

Buy X and Get Y for Free

You’ve probably seen this type of sales promo a lot of times, both on online and offline stores. Buy a laptop and get a laptop bag for free. Buy a pack of toothpaste and get a toothbrush for free.

Those are typical examples.

You can also use this strategy to entice new and old customers to buy from your store.

This type of discount is best used when you are also looking to offset inventory that people aren’t willing to buy.

How to Display Your Discounts and Coupons

If your discount and coupon offers are not conspicuously displayed on your Shopify website, your visitors won’t know about them.

How then can you do you display your discounts and promo offers in such a way that it gets maximum attention?

Popups, sticky bars, and slide-in boxes are some of the best methods. The best part is that with Adoric, you can easily create these visual elements.

You will learn how to create them shortly.

10 Creative Ways to Drive More Sales With Shopify Discount Coupon Popups

There are an infinite number of ways you can use discounts and offers to drive more sales to your store.

Here are some examples.

1. Offer Discounts to Returning Customers

What better way to build loyalty with your customers than offering them a discount each time they come back to buy from you?

Percentage-based discounts will work very well here.

With some tweaking, this can also work well on first-time visitors to your online store, too.

Here’s a popup template you can use for this:

Percentage discountsUse this template

2. Offer Holiday Sales Discounts

Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Black Friday, etc. are all excellent times to offer a discount to your customers.

Of course, you don’t have to limit yourself to only the conventional holidays; Hakunnah, Moon festivals, etc. are holidays worth targeting, too.

Have a look at this popup template. You will surely like it.

Halloween popup templateUse this template

3. Lucky Wheel Coupon Offers

Make things more exciting and fun by making your visitors play the game of lucky wheels to win a coupon.

It works like this:

First, they spin the wheel by hitting the spin button. After spinning for a while, the wheel will stop at a random coupon value. Let’s say 20%.

After that, a 20% coupon code would be sent to the user’s email, which they can use on your store.

We’ve got lots of lucky wheel coupon popup templates here at Adoric.

Here’s one that you can start with.

Lucky wheel popup templateUse this template

4. Discount Offers With a Countdown Timer

Would you like to make prospective buyers jump at your discount offers without having to hesitate? Add a countdown timer to your discount offering. Not only will it get your visitors excited, but also prompt them to take action swiftly.

Countdown timers are known for creating what is known as the FOMO effect – Fear of missing out.

FOMO is what makes you buy a shoe because a friend bought it. It is what makes you spend your last dime on a wristwatch because you fear it might sell out soon.

Why not use this same fear/excitement to drive conversion with your discounts?

Here’s a popup template that can help you with that.

Black Friday popupUse this template

5. Free Shipping for Minimum Purchase

Get your customers to spend more by enticing them with free shipping when their purchase reaches a certain threshold.

Not only will this strategy help you to make more sales, but it will also make your free shipping discount offers more effective.

This floating bar template will be of great help here.

Sticky barUse this template

6. First Purchase Discount Offers

First-time visitors are the hardest people to sell to. The reason is that they will naturally have doubts about your products.

Make them get over that doubt fast by offering them an enticing discount for their first purchase. It works like magic.

You could even make things more interesting by offering free shipping together with a discount.

The popup template below will be of great help here:

Shopify discountUse this template

7. Add Discount Offers to Exclusive Deals

Got an exclusive deal you would like potential customers to grab without hesitation? Why not add a discount to it and watch your sales shoot for the sky.

Check out this inspiring Shopify discount code popup template:

Exclusive discountUse this template

8. Offer a Discount for Newsletter Signups

The money, they say, is in the list. If you aren’t not actively building your email list, you are leaving a lot of money on the table.

But getting your visitors to sign up for your email newsletter can be tough work. And you wouldn’t blame them because the average web user gets 121 emails per day. That’s information overload!.

Lucky for you, you can get around this newsletter apathy by enticing prospective subscribers with discounts.

The popup template below will come in handy for this job.

Newsletter signup popupUse this template

9. Total Purchase Discount Offers

Would you like to improve your store’s Average Order Value (AOV)? By AOV, we mean the average amount a visitor spends on your online store.

How to increase AOV

Why not offer shoppers a discount on their total purchase? When you do, they will gladly buy more than they had earlier planned, and your sales will soar.

The key is balancing things properly so that you don’t hurt your profit margin.

As usual, we have a popup template that you will like.

AOV popup templateUse this template

10. Discount for Online Booking

Get more customers to book for your hotel rooms, massage or makeup session, or any service you offer by enticing them with a discount.

It doesn’t have to be grand; something as simple as a 20% discount will work well.

What do you think about this popup?

Booking popup templateUse this template

Bonus Tip: Offer Free Shipping

Who doesn’t love free shipping? In fact, one of the easiest ways to entice customers to buy some more from your store is by offering them free shipping.

However, it’s not enough to offer free shipping; you equally need to make efforts to ensure shoppers are aware of your free shipping offer. This is where Adoric’s free shipping bar feature comes in handy.

Adoric’s free shipping bar is a feature that allows you to display free shipping information on your website via a sticky bar.

How does it work?

First, you have to create a free shipping offer in Shopify via your admin dashboard. The next thing you will want to do is to create a sticky/floating bar campaign to display the free shipping information on your Shopify website. It’s that simple.

To use, simply log in to your Adoric dashboard and select the “Show free shipping bar” option.

Alternatively, Use The Falling Gift Game Popup

Gamifying your visitors’ shopping experience can also help increase your sales. And what better tool to use for this than Adoric’s innovative falling gift game popup?

Falling gift game

How does it work?

First, your visitors will see a popup appear on their screen once they land on your website. They will then be asked to provide their email address, after which the falling gift game starts. All they have to do is to click on the falling balloon to reveal the gifts they contain.

If there is no gift in the balloon, they will be asked to try again. Depending on your settings, they might have to try three more times (you can make it six if you want) to win a coupon gift.

When used properly, this game can help boost user engagement, loyalty, and conversion rate.

Creating compelling discount and upsell offers on Shopify is made effortless with the help of third-party apps. Among these, AIOD – All Automatic Discounts stands out as an all-in-one solution.

Whether it’s bundle deals, stackable codes, or post-purchase offers, AIOD has you covered. Elevate your discount strategies with AIOD and watch your Shopify store thrive 

Wrapping it Up

Increasing conversion to your Shopify website can be challenging. But it doesn’t have to, thanks to the Adoric Shopify App.

With our app, you can create attention-grabbing marketing campaigns such as popups, slide-ins, and sticky bars. Also, the Adoric Shopify App makes it possible for you to reduce cart abandonment by enticing your customers with a discount each time they attempt to exit your website.

Install Adoric on your Shopify store today.

Install Adoric Shopify App

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