21 Powerful A/B Testing Tools For Smart Marketers in 2024

Last updated on March 21, 2024 11 mins read

A/B testing tools

Are you a marketer and have decided to use A/B testing to improve your conversions? That’s smart! But which A/B testing tool should you go for?

To answer this question, we have compiled a comprehensive list of 21 free and paid A/B testing tools for you to choose from.

But first the basic: what is A/B testing?

A/B testing, also called split testing, is a method that allows you to compare different versions of a campaign or web page to know which works best. This will help you to determine which one converts or encourages user engagement better.

A/B testing tool

As in the popup campaign above, one test version is usually a slightly altered version of the other. During the test, each version is displayed to entirely different groups of audiences. The version with the highest click wins and is adopted for use.

By the way, if you’re a total newbie, we’ve got a guide that will help you get up to speed with A/B testing.


Why Is A/B Testing Important?

While there are lots of ways to measure business success as a marketer, we can’t deny that a good conversion rate is the lifeblood of any successful business.

Knowing what your potential customers expect from any given marketing campaign is a sure way of increasing your chances of getting conversions out of it.

Therefore, as a marketer, you’ll need a method that helps you carry out tests to know what your audience will respond best to. The method has to make it easy to not only test but also analyze results accurately.

A/B testing is one of the best techniques to do this. Little wonder why it is favored by many marketers.

Here are some specific reasons why A/B testing is important.

1. Increased User Engagement

A/B testing helps you evaluate the features that encourage engagement. This way, you can generate similar ideas that lead to better user engagement. Apart from campaigns, A/B testing helps you create web content that will improve your overall user experience.

2. Better Conversion Rate

A/B tests provide an almost perfect way to convert traffic into paying customers. A/B test results help you know ahead of time which of your campaigns will fetch you the most conversions.

3. Reduced Bounce Rate

When you know what your readers actually want and serve them accordingly, your bounce rate will drop immensely.

In simple English, the rate at which visitors hit the back button almost immediately when they land on your website will go down.

4. Increased Sales

The aim of every business regardless of the size or industry is to make more sales. The content of a campaign or website can make it or break it. A/B testing provides a way to tweak an element on the site to attract more traffic.

Also, better content equals an increase in the average time a visitor spends browsing your website. This in turn leads to a higher conversion rate thus, driving sales up.

5.  Helps to Develop a Good Brand Reputation

Whether it is a particular theme, choice of words, or color, it is easier for you to create just what your audience can relate to with A/B testing.

Most times, you’ll get just one chance to give your audience a good first-time impression. By A/B testing your campaigns before putting them out, you’ll develop a good reputation for your brand amongst your audience over time. This will in turn make your brand their go-to every time.

Features to Look Out for in An A/B Testing Tool

Don’t know how to choose an A/B testing tool for your business? Here are some features to look out for an A/B testing tool before you pay for it:

1. Cost of Using The Tool

Perhaps the first thing you should consider is how much the tool costs. To a large extent, you’ll need to choose an A/B testing tool that fits in with your budget.

Most tools have different subscription plans with different prices for you to choose from. As your business grows, you can always upgrade to higher subscription plans.

2. Dedicated Support

Due to the complexities involved in the functioning of testing tools, there must be dedicated support for users. Many testing platforms offer support through calls, live chats, emails, or automated responses.

Look out for the speed with which support responds to queries. You don’t want a situation where you run into a technical issue and it takes forever to get it resolved.

3. Targeting and Segmentation Features

Targeting helps you show test versions to your audience based on their behavior. Segmentation allows you to group your audience based on location, gender, age-range, etc.

The quality of the testing results you get will depend on how well you can target your audience and segment them into groups. So, you need to be sure that the A/B testing tool you opt for has a good targeting and segmentation capacity.

4. An Easy to Use in-built Graphic Editor

An in-built graphic editor makes it easy to change elements of your campaign or web page such as colors, headlines, images, etc. to create another version.

If it also has a library of professional templates that you can create your campaigns from, that’s even better.

5. Analytic Feature

An A/B tool shouldn’t just carry out tests but also collect, analyze and interpret the results. This is what an analytic feature does.

Most A/B testing tools provide you with a dashboard that shows you your test results in real-time. This way you can be sure you’re getting accurate information.

21 Easy-to-Use A/B Testing Tools

We’ve compiled a list of A/B testing tools we are sure will help improve your marketing. The results they give you can help you to improve the performance of your campaigns.

We have divided them into 2 groups to make things easier:

  • Free testing software, and
  • Paid testing software

Free A/B Testing Tools

The following are A/B testing tools you can use at no cost

1. Adoric

Adoric AB testing tool

Adoric doesn’t just help you run A/B tests but also manages and analyzes them in real-time. This way you can be sure that the version you end up using for your campaign will bring you the best conversion.

Adoric lets you test campaign elements such as the copy, color of your call-to-action button, font, images, etc. Our tool is used and trusted by brands like P&G, Groupon, and Toyota.

The coolest part is that you can A/B test your marketing campaigns as you so please and without spending a cent. That’s because Adoric is free!

2. Cucumber

Cucumber AB testing tool

Cucumber is one of the best A/B testing tools available.  It is open-sourced and makes A/B tests run faster and accurately, thanks to its automation tools.

It also offers tests that can be understood by any individual whether they have any technical knowledge or not.

3. Google Optimize

Google Optimize tool

Unlike its counterpart, Optimize 360, Google Optimize is free to use. This A/B testing tool comes with an extension (downloadable from Chrome web store) and it can be integrated with Google Analytics.

Paid A/B Testing Tools

Most A/B testing tools attract fees for full usage. Some provide up to five free trials but afterward, you’ll be required to pay to run more tests. Some of the best paid A/B testing tools you can use include:

5. Optimizely

Optimizely AB testing tool

Optimizely used by businesses to create web pages with accurate A/B testing. It is a powerful, user-friendly software that helps marketers test their campaigns and increase their conversion rates.

Optimizely is used by large businesses that range from fashion to e-Commerce websites. It also provides multivariate testing tools for testing more than two versions of a campaign or webpage.

It requires a subscription fee of about $1,000 per month or $50,000 per year to get started with its services. Popular companies like Uber and Udemy make use of this testing tool.

In addition, businesses also invest tools to optimize the loading time of their website. Have a look at the top website load testing tools list.

6. Convertize


Convertize is a leading A/B testing solution provider. It is an extremely useful software amongst medium industries that use automated A/B testing to increase sales. For pricing, Convertize starts at $49/month.

It is a user-friendly software that provides accurate test results and helps you improve your website’s user experience and generate more revenue. Convertize also provides its users with a free trial.

7. Adobe Target

Adobe Target

Adobe Target is an A/B testing tool that belongs. It is mostly used by large industries as subscriptions are about $1000 monthly.

It offers split testing, multivariate testing, and auto-pilot mode that ensures that you do not lose your conversions while running a test.

With Adobe Target, you can A/B test images, copy, user interface, etc.

8. Simplify


Simplify, formerly known as Site Gainer is an impressive platform to run your A/B tests with. It provides access to great features like heat-maps and support from professional and seasoned CRO experts.

It does not have a rigid subscription plan, instead, its charges depend on the traffic of your website.

9. Nelio


Nelio is an open-source A/B testing tool for WordPress websites. It helps to create catchy titles that promise to hold your audience’s attention. You can also test your campaign’s layout, design, and content. Neilo provides heat-maps and works with WooCommerce.

10. AB Tasty

AB tasty

AB Tasty is another A/B testing tool that offers both split testing and multivariate testing. It is AI-powered and provides features that boost site engagement.

11. Optimize 360

Optimize 360

Optimize 360 is a Google platform that helps you to test multiple versions of your campaigns by letting you change images, text, and other elements of the same web page.

It integrates well with Google Analytics or Analytics 360 (which is the upgraded version of Google Analytics). Optimize 360 is estimated to cost up to $150,000 a year.

12. Unbounce

Unbounce AB testing

Unbounce not only lets you design, generate and publish your own landing pages on the internet but also provides a higher rate of conversion by allowing you to run A/B tests on your page. It is a great way to improve SEO and improve the performance of your website.

Unbounce provides a free trial for use for 14 days on all their plans after which you have to pay. Their plans range from $30 to $300 per month, which compared to other testing tool brands isn’t too expensive.

13. Visual Website Optimizer (VWO)

VWO AB testing tool

Visual Website Optimizer is a tool used by marketers and business owners to A/B test marketing campaigns. It is easy to use and can help you increase your conversion rates.

With over 100 amazing features and its ability to perform multivariate tests and produce good results, it is safe to say that VWO is one of the best.

VWO does not offer free trials and its pricing starts at $199 per month. It is a trusted platform and is used by companies like Disney, Target, and eBay.

14. Evolv


Evolv promises to help companies optimize their digital experience to foster growth and so far, they have been as good as their word.

It provides you with the ability to test elements like images, button shapes, and color amongst others. It also makes it possible to run multivariate testing. Using Evolv does not come with a fixed price but the prices are available on request.

15. Omniconvert


Omniconvert helps marketers to improve user experience on websites, test product features, and to increase engagement and conversions.

Whether your visitors are on tablet, mobile, or desktop, with Omniconvert, you can also create A/B tests for them across different devices. You can also choose to run certain experiments on just one or two devices only.

Omniconvert offers a free trial. But of course, you might want something more. Their paid plans start at $59/month.

16. SiteSpect

SiteSpect AB testing

If you are looking to personalize your visitors’ experience via A/B testing, SiteSpect is your best bet.

SiteSpect gives you careful analyses on how each change of element on a webpage affects performance. It can be run on Android, iOS, and the web. The pricing is available to you when you request it.

They also provide other web optimization solutions that help businesses drive their revenue upwards.

17. Monetate


Monetate helps you to eliminate guesswork by letting you A/B test your campaigns. It helps you to run an in-depth analysis using an A/B testing process to choose what elements need to be changed. This way it directly influences your conversion rates.

18. Conductrics


Conductrics dedicated their platform to helping marketers discover which version of their web content or feature works best.

They also help you know how to better optimize your website for traffic. It is the perfect A/B testing tool for marketers. It is a paid service and currently does not offer free trials.

19. FreshWorks


FreshWorks which was formerly called FreshMarketer is an A/B test platform that provides users with automation, faster conversion rates, and better revenue. It captures and analyzes user experience on a website and then makes suggestions to better improve them.

On top of that, Freshworks can help you improve engagement by generating better content through A/B testing. It is currently used by over 200 brands some of which include UNICEF and Toshiba. It is easy to use and provides amazing features.

FreshWorks offers a 21-day free trial after which you’ll have to pay a fee. They charge based on what they call ‘contacts’ with $29 per month as the cheapest plan. As your number of ‘contacts’ increases, so does the fee you have to pay.

20. Clickthroo

Clickthroo AB testing

With Clickthroo, users not only get to run tests to optimize their conversion but also get to create landing pages.

Clickthroo is a mix of many tools: A/B testing, web optimization, tracking, and management tools, all in one.

It was built specifically for people who are not tech-savvy and lack coding knowledge. It provides you with accurate real-time reports of your audience’s preferences.

21. Zoho PageSense

Zoho PageSense AB testing tool

Zoho PageSense not only offers affordable A/B testing but also offers personalization features. It provides split URL testing, visual editing, flexible reporting, heat-maps, and funnel analysis, all of which are valuable to small, medium, and large businesses.

Pricing starts at $17 per month, a considerably low price for all the features it provides. The $17 per month plan caters for up to 10,000 visitors and the most expensive plan it currently offers is the $599 per month subscription.

Zoho is an effective testing tool for marketers to optimize their sales funnel on their site without having to break the bank.


There you have it: 21 powerful A/B testing tools. Using an A/B testing tool is always worth the spend. It’ll take the guesswork out of your campaigns and improve your user engagement and conversion rates.

While you may need to evaluate each tool to see which one works best for you, we hope this list makes it easier for you to choose one.

Better still, sign up on Adoric today to get access to one of the best A/B testing tools available.

Try Adoric for Free

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