Adoric conversion rate optimization blog

Product Recommendations

Implementing personalized product recommendations to your website can help to improve your chances of success? Personalized product recommendations mean recommending relevant

Adoric AA Accessibility Compliance

20% of the world population are people with various forms of disabilities: physical disability, sensory disability, mental disability, etc. For

Giphy Library

Did you know that over 1 billion GIFs are shared over the internet every day? That’s huge, isn’t it? But

Upload Images

Would you like to upload images to your campaign? Adoric makes doing so super easy, thus saving you the trouble

Popup Animation Effect

Are your popups failing to catch your visitors’ attention? Perhaps, have you tried all you can to grow your mailing

Video Popup

Do you know the most visited website in the world after Google? Definitely not Facebook. It’s YouTube! But what has

Spin to Win Coupon Wheel Popup

Are you looking to make your opt-in popup forms fun and interesting to fill out for your visitors? Spin-to-win coupon

Multi-step Campaign

If you’ve been using opt-in forms to generate leads on your website, more often than not, you only ask for

On-screen Positioning

Are you looking to place your campaigns where they will get the most attention, but without ruining your visitors’ experience?

Countdown Timer

Have you ever wondered why Black Friday gets you shopping impulsively? Like why do you buy stuff you often never