Giphy Library

Did you know that over 1 billion GIFs are shared over the internet every day? That’s huge, isn’t it?

But what has this stat got to do with anything? Simple. GIFs offer a lot of potentials, and if you can harness them, your marketing efforts will pay off big time.

Thankfully, Adoric makes it easy to integrate GIFs into your marketing campaign without using any third-party tool or writing a code.

Why Use GIFs

GIFs have been around since 1987 and are still popular to this day for a reason: they are very engaging and fun to consume.

They have become so popular that big names like Red Bull, Gucci, etc. use them in their marketing.

Thus, if you are looking to grab your visitors’ attention and engage them, use GIFs in your popups.

Not just that, with GIFs, you can educate your users and put emphasis on your CTA like so:

GIPHY Library

But what about videos? Aren’t they effective as well?

The thing is, video popups work excellently well, but tend to put a lot of load on a server because they require substantial storage space. Thus, if you want to keep the load on your website as low as possible, GIFs are a better option.

Adoric GIPHY Library

GIPHY is an online library that allows you to find relevant GIF images by using specific search terms.

To make it easy for you to embed GIFs into your marketing campaign, we’ve integrated the GIPHY library into our intuitive design editor.

Do you know what this means?

You don’t have to worry about manually downloading GIF images from GIPHY and uploading them to your campaign. With Adoric, all you need is a single click of the button to add a GIF to your pop-up or slide-in marketing campaign.

All you have to do is to search for a GIF by using a relevant search term. Once you find one, click on it, and Adoric will automatically add it to your design canvas.

What’s more, you can edit the uploaded GIF images just the way you want, thanks to our intuitive design editor.

GIF editor

Do you know the coolest part? You have access to unlimited GIFs, which you can all use without having a GIPHY account.

What Next?

Ready to supercharge your marketing by leveraging the power of GIFs? Why not sign up for a free Adoric account right away?